pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees
PoshBee’s final policy brief explores the impacts of multiple stressors on managed bees
PoshBee is dedicated to translating the knowledge acquired during its five-year run into actionable science-based policy recommendations. In this relation, earlier this year the project launched its policy brief collection. This collection is now complete with the final PoshBee policy brief recently published in the project’s RIO collection and on the Horizon Results Platform.
Cover of the final PoshBee policy brief.
The final PoshBee policy brief provides novel insights into the impacts of multiple stressors on managed bees. Managed bees and other pollinators are exposed to a wide variety of stressors and these often act in combination. Historically, however, most risk assessments and research have mainly focused on individual stressors on honey bees. Recently, there has been a broad scientific consensus that there is a need for a more holistic approach that considers multiple interacting stressors, various pollinator species, both field and lab studies, and different health indicators.
In that sense, PoshBee has made a significant step in advancing our understanding of how the interactions between agrochemicals, pathogens, and nutrition affect bees. Based on these findings illustrated in the policy brief, PoshBee provides several specific policy recommendations for how to properly understand the risks to managed bees in a real-world context.
Read the full policy brief here.