pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees
Pollinator research workshop: what have we learnt and what is next?
On 10 October, the European Research Executive Agency (REA) held a workshop to discuss the current state of play on pollinators. The goal was to identify key knowledge gaps and their potential solutions resulting from EU-funded projects supporting pollinators.
Following a welcome by Paul Webb from the REA, discussions began on what have EU’s multinational research projects learnt and what are the most important next steps in terms of research and policy. Participants had the opportunity to dive deep into the EU Policy setting on pollinators, presented by Sofie Hofkens from DG SANTE and Vujadin Kovacevic from DG ENV.
Slide presenting the EU Pollinators Initiative.
Afterwards, the floor was open to representatives from essential EU research projects, focusing on pollinators, such as PoshBee, B-GOOD, Safeguard, Ecostack and SPRING. Besides learning about the most important issues and solutions identified by each project, participants also engaged in discussions on pollinators’ role in agricultural systems, pollinator monitoring tools and potential knowledge gaps.
Based on these discussions, a report is currently underway, so stay tuned!