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pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees

Here, you will find our new collection of stakeholder summaries. These documents aim to make PoshBee science more accessible to non-scientists!
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Stakeholder summary (EN): Diet matters: The effect of a common fungicide on bumblebees depends on floral resources

Authors: Wintermantel, D., Osterman, J., & Klein, A-M.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (DE): Auf die Ernährung kommt es an: Die Wirkung eines verbreiteten Fungizids auf Hummeln unterscheiden sich je nach Pflanze, auf der dieses angewandt wird

Authors: Wintermantel, D., Osterman, J., & Klein, A-M.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): L'insetticida Sulfoxaflor e il fungicida azoxystrobin non hanno evidenti effetti negativi sull’ ape europea (Apis mellifera)

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Sulfoxaflor insecticide and azoxystrobin fungicide have no major impact on honeybees

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): L’esposizione all’insetticida Sulfoxaflor ed al fungicida Azoxystrobin riduce l’attività di bottinamento, la deposizione di polline e la crescita delle colonie di bombi

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Fungicide and insecticide exposure adversely impact bumblebee health and behaviour

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary: Novel insecticide reduces egg-laying and reproductive success in bumble bees

Authors: Siviter, H., Leadbeater, E., & Brown, M.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): How does an insecticide seed-treatment affect honeybee and bumblebee colonies and their pathogens, parasites and beneficial bacteria?

Authors: Osterman, J., Wintermantel, D., Rundlöf, M. & de Miranda, J.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (DE): Wie beeinflusst die Beizung von Rapssamen mit einem Insektizid Honigbienen- und Hummelvölker und deren Krankheitserreger und nützliche Bakterien?

Authors: Osterman, J., Wintermantel, D., Rundlöf, M. & de Miranda, J.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary: Bee Tracker – an open-source machine-learning based video analysis software for the assessment of nesting and foraging performance of cavity-nesting solitary bees

Authors: Knauer, A., Gallmann, J., & Albrecht M.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (DE): Bee Tracker – Eine open-source machine-learning Software zur Analyse des Flug- und Nistverhaltens von in Hohlräumen nistenden Solitärbienen

Authors: Knauer, A., Gallmann, J., & Albrecht M.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Building indices in the age of big data - Application to honey bee exposure to parasites and pathogens

Authors: Huyen Ton Nu Nguyet, M., Bougeard, S., Babin, A., Dubois, E., Druesne, C., Rivière, M.P., Laurent, M., & Chauzat, M.P.
Year: 2023

Stakeholder summary (FR): Une nouvelle ère s’ouvre pour visualiser l’impact de stresseurs sur l’abeille domestique : scanner des protéines pour en faire des images instantanées

Authors: Houdelet, C., Arafah, K., Bocquet, M., & Bulet, P.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary: A new frontier for visualising the impact of stressors in honey bees: proteins in pictures

Authors: Houdelet, C., Arafah, K., Bocquet, M., & Bulet, P.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Assessing the effects of agricultural landscape and environment on bee size, shape and asymmetry

Authors: Gérard, M., Baird, E., Breeze, T., Dominik, C. & Michez, D.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): Il polline rallenta l’invecchiamento delle api infestate da Varroa

Authors: Frizzera, D., Ray, A., Seffin, E., Zanni, V., Annoscia, D., Grozinger, C., & Nazzi, F.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Pollen slows down the aging induced by Varroa mites

Authors: Frizzera, D., Ray, A., Seffin, E., Zanni, V., Annoscia, D., Grozinger, C., & Nazzi, F.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): An individual "blood test" to monitor the impact of stressors on bee health

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): Analyses protéomiques par test "sanguin" pour suivre la santé des abeilles

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Haemolymph Proteomics: A New Approach to Monitoring Bee Health

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022