The 46th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress

The Congress will cover a broad spectrum of beekeeping and apicultural sciences, including state of-the-art lectures, plenary sessions and various symposia within each of the Apimondia Standing Commissions. The Montréal Congress will strive to be a showcase of world-wide advancements in the science of apiculture. Emphasis will also be placed on presentations or discussions of topics that are of high prominence in the beekeeping community or that challenge our concepts of modern beekeeping, through roundtables and special interest group  sessions. The poster sessions, offering lively interaction between presenters and participants, are regarded by many as the heart of the Congress. We will also endeavour to use web-based streaming of all plenary sessions to allow participation of a new category of virtual registrants in aspects of the Congress. 

More information here.


Montréal, CA